Breeding - Allevamento la Rossella
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Professional breeding

Breeding professional means to us to put ourselves in a position to give you a Genuine Guarantee on all of the Westy that we sell. To be professional means that you should know in depth our work on our Highlanders.
This obviously comes with matured experiences and knowledge gleaned from perhaps thousands of W. H. W. T . subjects with whom we share every single day of the year and often many of the nights through us assisting the new mothers whelping.

To be Professional means to be able to avail yourself through cooperation of the best specialists in our breed the Westy. With the goal to help us achieve educate ourselves further in the Scientific knowledge on our Breeding Program.

To be Professional is not to consider yourself that you have arrived in this position without learning along the way! But we are constantly trying to improve our knowledge by interchanging our ideas and the ideas of others far greater in knowledge than ourselves form the Top Breeders World Wide!

To be Professional Means that we love our work! Because only in this way our Complete Dedication to our Breed the West Highland White Terrier is Total !

Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
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