It may occur to you that your Son/Daughter (kid) To keep a dog in your home will put you in a crisis. Satisfying your Sons desire it is not so difficult, if you consider the benefits really do outweigh the problems. Your Son/Daughter can receive fantastic results form this new situation! Nowadays most people live in such a hectic world, with less and less time for your/their children! A Dog May Help Sociologists, Psychologists, Pediatricians all agree in saying that life with a dog has an enormous importance in all of our Kids growth.
It is enough for you just to observe the interaction between animals and Kids, then you will understand how this assists them to communicate, firstly with the little Dog, then this of course will enable you or others to communicate with the child. Just remember how the Dolphins are helping! The Children with their speech, also to help them with Physical Contact Problems! There is a strong Bond that is lacking between you and your Kids! In the Common life Dogs and Kids learn and teach one other, Learning to take care of a little dog helps in developing their responsibilities, and teaches them to accept your teaching in respect towards others also developing socializing skills.
Moreover a Dog at the end of the lead, is far more easy to meet friends, especially if they are a little shy of other people just by them standing behind the little dog on the lead really can help them almost immediately. Children and adults need never be alone if they have a little dog at the end of their lead! It seems that most people will pass the time of day with the little dog! (Remember this is true not only for the Kids)